

This is second blog about interesting sea life that has been sent to us by SeaLifeBase. The is about “Ocean Giants: Lion’s Mane Jellyfish” Please see:
You can become a SeaLifeBase collaborator
We get many photographers coming to Asia Divers who take some pretty amazing photos of the marine life in Puerto Galera, We encourage all of you to become a SeaLifeBase Collaborator. Please see below:

WHAT is a “SeaLifeBase collaborator,” and WHO can be one?

In a nutshell, SeaLifeBase collaborators are the people who help us by: a) sending or alerting us to references and photos, which we have not yet used; b) assembling data from published sources using a preformatted template; and/or c) verifying or correcting data that we have extracted and incorporated into the information system. Some of them are — but not limited to — biologists, taxonomists, scientists, and other experts. Some are aquarists, photographers, businessmen, and marine-life enthusiasts. Truly, we welcome contributions from anybody who has a passion for marine life.

Hugycup winner back at Asia Divers


The illustrious Gareth Bowen has praised us with his presence once again this week. After winning quite a few prizes in the Hugy Cup underwater photo competition he has become quite a celebrity around the shop, with lots of other photographers asking his advice, and he always seemed more than willing to help and give away some of his tricks. Below you can see an awesome photo of a Blue Ring Octopus taken just the other day by Gareth. nov15e2

Asia Divers Palau Trip 2015


Most of us met up ahead of the trip due to flight schedules and were hanging out down at Sam’s Tours Dive centre. We were aiming to see the World Cup Rugby final the night before the trip but the closest place to show it was Guam.

Palau were again showing the great diving you have started to expect with the Mantas playing at German channel, plenty of Sharks at Blue Corner, Siaes Corner, Ulong Channel and Pelilu. Turtle everywhere and so were the Barracudas just to mention some.

The atmosphere on the boat was great with a lot of old friends got together and with great service from the daily elected Beer Bitch.

Participants from the left is Wolfgang, Joe, Kevin, John, Johan, Maria, Tommy, Patricia, Jeremy, Rosina, Mary, Rene, Cathy, Suzi, Mark & Fitri. Missing is Dani, he earned the Beer Bitch vest for not being on time.


Tommy and Suzi Denton have done 350 dives together on live-aboard trips,celebrated on the Tropical Dancer.

In the US

nov15c2 Allan and Alli have returned from DEMA in Orlando Florida. It was great to catch up with business partners, friends, colleges and connecting with others in the diving industry who share the same passion and understanding as we do. We hope to see more divers from the U.S. heading our way soon!

nov15c3Now it was time for a bit of fun! Allan and Alli did a side trip in the U.S. to visit Ken Knezick from Island Dreams Travel at the Texas Renaissance Festival. Ken and his multi-talented group perform at the Agora, Gypsy Dance Theater four times a day every Saturday and Sunday for two months and we just happen to time our trip right for  this. What an amazing group of people who continued to impress us throughout our whole time there with their talent and kindness.


The last part of the U.S. tour included a stop in Houston to spend a couple days with Ken and Eva and Tina (whom we also work with from Island Dreams Travel) and her husband, Bob. Thank you to everyone for showing us such wonderfully kind hospitality in your neck of the woods

Good Bye to the Hammers

It’s with heavy hearts that we bid farewell to Mal Hammer and his lovely wife Larissa Jefferson.

Larissa has had a three year posting with the Aussie Embassy and in that time they have become great friends to us all. Mal got straight into his Divemaster course three years back and has been around to help out at almost every major diving event involving international schools and some of our larger American groups. Larissa came down to see us when she wasn’t busy, usually with a load of great mates! She completed Rescue, EFR and many dives to boot! Now their time is over we just can’t believe it’s gone so quick.

We wish you all the best in your new adventure in Canberra and hope you won’t forget us!

OBDC is back!


It’s been a fun week here with the OBDC (Old Broad’s Dive Club). OBDC is dedicated to enriching the lives of their members with fascinating trips all over the globe, striving to develop friendships and great memories for women divers and their guests.

OBDC was conceived in 1999 by Jane Huessener, who invited 5 women for dinner to discuss her concept of organizing a dive club for woman only (of course, our Sherpa`s and families were always welcome).  Her dream was shared and OBDC was born!  Today they have over 170 current members from all over the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Cayman Islands, Palau, New Zealand and Italy. OBDC will dive anywhere its members think would be a fun and safe destination for our group, however, they tend to follow the 80/80 rule of diving. 80 ft or better visibility and 80 degrees or better for the water temp. (Princess Diving)….LOVE IT!! We missed you here this year Jane, but we made sure your whole gang had a great time.



This is a 2200 dive photo! Congratulations to some of our OBDC divers who did some anniversary dives with us this week.  Jeanne 700, Martha 500, and Sal with a whopping 1000! Considering Sal has only been diving for 8 years that’s pretty amazing!


Congrats to three of the “Old Broads”, Connie, Carly and Diana for getting their nitrox certifications this week and enjoying some great dives on 32%.


There are still 1 spot left for a male and one spot left for a female on the Palau Tropical Dancer, sister-ship to Palau Aggressor. The trip starts the afternoon of November 1 and disembarks the morning of November 8, which gives us 5 ½ days of brilliant diving among Sharks and other big pelagic animals.  Contact if you’re interested.