Christmas activities at El Galleon

Troy lookin all Christmassy even after a big night’s celebration for his birthday

We’re all getting into the festive spirit now for sure. It’s been great to see many familiar faces arriving over the past week; Veronique and Nicolas, Jerry, Julie and Jenny, Bev and John, Stephanie. On the 24th Santa will pull up the sled to El Galleon to give toys out to the local kids for the 25rd year in a row! As usual, we will celebrate the season with a wonderful dinner at El Galleon prepared by Chef Antoine. To get everyone wet on Christmas morning we will also be doing our annual underwater treasure hunt. This is the perfect appetizer before our Christmas lunch! Plenty more happening over the next few days…we’ll keep you up to date with next week’s newsletter. Merry Christmas from all of us to you and yours!

Cressi course … Asia Divers , Puerto Galera

Congratulations go to the following students taking the Cressi-sub service seminar presented on 12th December by Andy Norman at Asia Divers Puerto Galera: Chris Stephenson, David York, Ian Darroch, Andrew Duke and  Mostafa Lotfi

Course started just after lunch with theory and introduction of the cressi-sub AC2,

1st stage and Cressi’s compact 2nd stage with complete strip down, theory of operation, repair, rebuild and fine tuning of regulator set up.

Second part of the course was again spent going through the theory of cressi-sub’s MC5 diaphragm regulator to show the very simple overhaul  and service procedures that one again took students a little by surprised by the speed in which this unit can be stripped down and reassembled.

Important to note and emphasised within in the Cressi course that proper operational theory of regulators should be encouraged before attempting to make proper assessment and repair work on any diving related equipment.  Therefore if wishing to seek further information of this course, please contact Andy Norman on

Also to make mention that apart from the standard Cressi certification, additional certifications were also handed out to David York and Andrew Duke to making some parts of the regulator disappear towards the floor….its ok, we always achieves the extra award ….

Honeymooners in Asia Divers

Niklas (Carl) and Angelica Lundgren have had a very busy but fun time here this past two weeks, but this was not Angelicas first time here. She actually came here 14 years ago with her father and did her Open Water course with Tommy. Check out her c-card below! So after many years of being a fish out of water she has come back with her husband on their honeymoon and decided to get back into the swing of things and do her certification again. They also did their Advanced course, joined us for our company pre-typhoon Christmas party and pick up heaps of new  t-shirts from the Point Bar. Troys’ liver is relieved to see them go….but hopes to recover soon enough to get them back again.

Now here’s a old c-card!


All is great in P.G. after the typhoon

Preparations pre-typhoon included cutting down the coconuts

The diving platform was all prepared for the worst

As most of you know the Philippines just had typhoon Hagupit or Ruby as it is called in here come through. Up until the last moment it looked like it would be coming through Puerto Galera. The good news is that …it didn’t!! Yes, we had lots of rain and wind, but it could have been much worse. We had completely battened down the hatches but luckily for us, it passed quickly and quietly in the whole scheme of things. In-fact, by mid afternoon the day after the typhoon we are already diving and the conditions are back to our normal lovely now.  We know that not everyone in the Philippines got off lightly though and do feel for them.


New compressor for point shop!

In line with upgrading program in Asia Divers compressor filling station is the first of two new compressors that was installed by Andy Norman to replace two out of four of its aging units.

The newly installed unit is an 570 Ltr/min compressor manufactured in Germany by Lenhardt &Wagner. The unit is sound insulated therefore emitting very little noise and while in operation can hardly be heard from platform or point bar, which makes it a little more satisfying on the ears not to hear the noisy start up or the blow down condensate drains of the old compressors.

Delivering 570 Ltr/min or 20 cubic foot of free air per min roughly translates to filling 20 tanks per hour, its fully automatic for both condensate drains, auto shut and full remote operation from the filling station on the platform.

For filtration and cooler system, the 570 is capable of filling an estimated 3,000 tank fills on one filter change.   Now I guess saying 3,000 tanks does not seem that many tank fills from a single filter cartridge but when considering the recently removed compressors only done 100 tank fills or 10 hours between filter changes you can get to see the first of some real advantages of the new compressor.

Looking forward to 2015 New Years gift of a compressor that is the second and last of the upgrades for the compressor room at Asia Divers Point shop.

Dubai divers enjoying Puerto Galera

What an amazing week it has been with “The Dive Centre” from Dubai. It was a week filled with thrills and spills not only under water but on land too, with motor bike rides around the island, zip lining through the mountains over 400m high and a few nights out dancing on the dance floor. The week was all wrapped up with a final dive to Sabang Bay where we spent over 30 minutes watching the giant sea Turtle eating up all the sea grass, then swimming over to the Floating Bar where everyone did selfie’s with the GoPro while sliding down the slide, what great fun.

Welcome back to Caroline, Terry, Brian and Queenie

We’ve been coming to El Galleon and diving with Asia Divers since 2001. We stumbled on it by chance when the British Foreign Office suggested that our original destination of Indonesia was no longer safe. AND what a find Asia Divers was !! We never even unpacked our cases on our first visit and it was dive: dive: dive. The beautiful Canyons dives reminiscent of UK diving (minus the dry suits) with the exhilarating currents, lush soft corals and abundance of large fish in the deep cool Fish Bowl. We just loved it all and have returned so many times often bringing lots of UK divers with us.

SO what is our favourite dive site and could we ever even agree. For me it has to be the Hot Springs at Chicken Feather Island; Terry can’t be persuaded in any direction other than Verdi Island and Brian just loves the high energy drifts of the Canyons  – so long as he is going with the current !!!. (Brian not being one for exerting himself at the best of times :-)). And as for Queenie – well all the dives are simply ‘Just the Bollocks’ which translates as totally 100% FAB.

We have been here at least 9 times and are already planning our next trips. This year diving with Alison has been excellent and she gets our 5star rating and lots of thanks from all of us for planning a great dive itinerary. It was also good to catch up with Pete, Dave, Sam and the crew at El Galleon and Asia Divers many of whom were here when we first visited.

Looking forward to seeing you all again next year – Caroline and Terry Birtles , Brian Anderson and Jane Poole (Queenie)