Team Sweden


Jonas Knutsson, Patrik Korp, Ola Forsberg, Patrik Linder, Robert Thorsson, Orjan Viklund Staffan Ladestrand, Daniel Tiger Dahlstrom, Michael Kinder, Mia Braten, Patrik Ekelund and Malin dalstrom enjoyed getting out of wintery Sweden for a lovely trip to Puerto Galera. They enjoyed the beautiful reefs and sunshine and are now off to Chuuk to get “wrecked”.

Creature Feature

Soledad Navarro took this photo of the Juvenile winged pipe in the Clam area. It’s something you don’t see every day for sure. Here’s a bit of information on it.


Juvenile winged pipe fish

Scientific Name:Halicampus macrorhynchus

Family: Syngnathidae

Subfamily: Syngnathinae

Category: Pipefishes


Also known as Ornate Pipefish and Whiskered Pipefish. Found singly or in pairs on reef flats and sea grass areas, among coral rubble and algae covered rocks. This Pipefish has flaps along the dorsal surface (back) of the fish and under the snout giving the fish an irregular outline. Skin flaps and wings are more exaggerated in juveniles. Varies in colour from place to place. They feed on tiny swimming invertebrates which they suck whole into their mouths. Length – 18cm, Depth – 3-25m, Widespread Indo-Pacific. Pipefish are like seahorses in that the male gives birth! The female deposits their eggs after fertilization into the males pouch to incubate the eggs for one month before giving birth.


Diving with friends!


Congratulations to Anna Barker for earning her PADI DPV certification. It’s always a very special time for us when the Barker family is here as they have been coming here since both girls we’re just Bubble-makers.  Pete, Jeff and Anna enjoyed the scooting around while Julie unfortunately had to be the supervisor on this trip.

Welcome back Magnus!


Welcome back to Magnus Wibling, visiting us again from sunny Sweden! He’s been having some great diving over the last week and has had his eye on those Scooters (Diver Propulsion Vehicles) or DPVs in the corner of the dive shop. Well he just had to have a go, so we took him to the Alama Jane, Fantasea reef, Sabang Wrecks and back, all in one dive.  If you would like information on the PADI DPV course please contact

What’s been going on at Asia Divers this week


Johan Pahnke has done a great job completing his PADI Rescue EFR course over the New Year period, whiles enjoying lots of diving and seasonal celebrations! Help!  jan17b2

Congratulations to Sheika-Mae, Estella and Sam Gibbs on completing their AOW course a great time and challenging dives. Estella also went on to complete her Deep Diver and Nitrox specializes too! Great job guys 🙂


A new PADI Divemaster


It’s been wonderful having Ellinor around for the past while. She was very hard working and a lot of fun. Ellinor has such a great attitude and is the perfect role model as a DM. When she wasn’t out diving or helping the students you would see her in the dive shop helping out. She also did us proud with the snorkel test! Congratulations Ellinor Alexandersson from all of us here at Asia Divers.

IDC@Asia Divers


We are excited to announce that Jamie and Sabine have taken over the Instructor Development (IDC) at Asia Divers with a new, modernized concept of the “eIDC”. For those who plan to take the next step to become a PADI Instructor, this program is focused on personalized coaching, more in-water rather than classroom time, marine conservation, and the onsite component of the course only takes 10 days.

Utilizing the PADI eLearning system as well as video coaching and other digital value adds ensure that our new instructors are best prepared for their professional careers. If you want to learn more about our fun filled eIDC, just drop a note to